Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Net Neutrality

One of the best representations that I could find about net neutrality. So what does net neutrality mean and what's the big deal.Net neutrality is belief that the internet should not be throttled or censored by your ISP. ISP's are currently proposing to have a new pricing rate based on content that a person is consuming rather than the bandwidth that they are consuming. You may say well I only use the internet for netflix so wouldn't it be cheaper to pay for just netflix instead of paying for bandwidth that I don't use. That may be cheaper but we have to face the fact that we use the internet for many different services such as banking, YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, eBay, Hulu, online gaming, backing up files and many other services. If you were to pay for internet on a service base you can see how this would get pretty expensive pretty fast. The internet is a network of networks that was created to be free and that's the way it should stay.  

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